Monday, August 9, 2010

Why Does The Bottom Of The Cookies Burn

Ephemeral stars August

Tonight I want to count the stars
eternal, immobile
And no more enchanted me
Splinters from the sun escaped

In the silence of the night lights in shady streams
I hear the voice of fireflies glowing

was Ephemeral Hanging from the dying dream that one
, random star
A grain of sand I am the shining

ashes of the fire, remained
From gashes of blood and heart

"And you, Heaven, from the worlds
serene, infinite, immortal
oh! On the tears of stars you flood
this atom, opaque of Evil! "

Giovanni Pascoli
" X August "

With this post I pause, I hope, at the moment, the blog. Vacation
not that I'm doing and I will not. I have many problems serious enough,
hope to overcome them. And I hope to be there again in September and to be able to "embrace" all. I love you, YOU ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE!



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