Friday, November 26, 2010

Warriors Cats Name Generator

Small satisfactions of life

" Hi,
browsing the net I had the pleasure of" taste "the contents of your blog and I must say that your production as a blogger is full of insights very interesting and of considerable interest and critical thickness.
I must in addition be given credit for having given me a strong interest and curiosity to read the novel Roberto Pazzi "After Spring". I know that does not mean anything but I am perfectly aware that knowing the fans are very encouraged to have their business. Very happy to add your blog to my favorites. Good luck to all.

Paul L.

How nice! After less than a day after the resumption of the blog, I find myself in the inbox this e-mail in which the reader Paul congratulated me on the blog content, the insights that can be found by reading the various posts and even more the fact that HE attracted strong interest and curiosity ' reading the last novel Roberto Pazzi. [ here the post mentioned in the e-mail!]

E 'basically what I had set out to do when I started writing the blog, and although it is past time enough, this email does nothing but load even more in the continuation of the publication of various posts and discussions.

Thanks then to all those who follow me and know who really like to know that someone appreciates and shares some ideas expressed in these virtual pages ...



Thursday, November 25, 2010

Make Ur Own Wrestling Theme

Ulysses Welcome back! Try Windows Live Writer 2011

are exactly 55 days that I do not write anything on the blog and I must say that the thing actually I missed a bit '. In this time things will have happened in spades and the time to write even one line seemed to be no way ... but we go to order;

Monday, October 4, 2010 I officially started college, or Degree Course in Single Cycle in Medicine and Surgery. For the moment I'm taking lessons in Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Genetics and I must say that it seems that everything is proceeding without too many hitches.

In the house where I live everything is great ... the laughter and the jokes never fail as well! I do not hide that I'm experiencing a really nice here in Ancona ... [for the time being, of course, but I hope I last as possible].

Thursday, October 21, 2010 we had dinner ... of course we are 150 students, more than half came to party and dinner was phenomenal.
Here's just a picture of the evening, along with some of my classmates [who, incidentally, I admire you very much!]


Wednesday, 17 November 2010 I did My first test as a college freshman, or the "Progress Review", useful to get over the 6 years of CdL the learning curve of the student, it should hopefully be almost similar to that shown below ... grafico-crescente-708536

Monday, November 22, 2010 instead I did the first part of physics, covering mechanics. The physics program, in fact, has been divided into three sections to give the student the opportunity to study with all its "peace" and to facilitate the study of the same. As the prof. Physics Franco Rustichelli, recovering from Descartes, it is preferable to divide a complex problem into parts and then consider the parties individually.

Thursday, November 25, 2010 , basically today, I died laughing like everyone else, and I mean everyone, the days since the universe.


Ps: Just to clarify ...

The boys of the house, Andrea, Alessandro, Roberto, Cristina, Giuseppe, chlorination, Daniel, Mark, Matthew, Anthony Marino, Stephen Simon.

Children Unit: Valentina, Julie, Beatrice, Catherine, Andrea, Gabri, Federico, Sergio, Leonardo ... etc etc ...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Does It Cost To Date Milena Velba


Thought love
I Love You In
charm When the light of dawn

rischiarerà my dark room

I'll love you the URL of the sea when the waves

drag my sails I will love you

In bursts of thunderstorms

When the rain will flood my body and
me your love I'll love you always swaying

thought in the cloudy sky in search of your warmth

in the mountains of straw
I'll love you still

Thoughts on friendship
When your heart bleeds

friend Find me I'll be there to collect When the drops
eyes get wet

friend Find me I'll be there to wipe
When your heart is happy

Find me the same I'll be happy to laugh with you
I believe in you, friend
In our eyes
Dialectic of silence

Thoughts on nothing
am but a grain of sand in the cosmos

They are almost nothing

the infinite I will not be anything in the world

But I just want to be an essence that craving

A panting
hope that encloses all the dreams in the world

Thoughts on hate
Hatred, king of the wolves
Lust And Revenge
'temptation and strength grows out of proportion

the weak human essence

E' a sentiment anthropic
nestles in the heart of the desert
Stroll through the labyrinth human
Pulsa , crumbles, dig
not find the door of the chest

feel your hate When
growing inside me
Stana me, destroys me, kill me
enjoys the spectacle of pain

Hate is a sweet poison
Hate is love denied
Fortuna severed
A straight downhill
A troubled breathing

Thoughts of peace
Peace is easy

There is no charge
Peace is beautiful

not mask mascara
is young
not wither over time
Peace is freedom

It has bars on the heart
And 'Dream On a green lawn
loving without fear

is light and does not like darkness
' What hope
Illumina the world

Monday, November 15, 2010

Can I Hack My Mobile Broadband

Do not love you more

And 'how to change eyes
the smile and the view. As the dust
doubt. The
consistent round of your eyebrows, the line of the nose,
your laughter and your smell seem thousands.
were once one wonder.

What a shame.