Friday, November 26, 2010

Warriors Cats Name Generator

Small satisfactions of life

" Hi,
browsing the net I had the pleasure of" taste "the contents of your blog and I must say that your production as a blogger is full of insights very interesting and of considerable interest and critical thickness.
I must in addition be given credit for having given me a strong interest and curiosity to read the novel Roberto Pazzi "After Spring". I know that does not mean anything but I am perfectly aware that knowing the fans are very encouraged to have their business. Very happy to add your blog to my favorites. Good luck to all.

Paul L.

How nice! After less than a day after the resumption of the blog, I find myself in the inbox this e-mail in which the reader Paul congratulated me on the blog content, the insights that can be found by reading the various posts and even more the fact that HE attracted strong interest and curiosity ' reading the last novel Roberto Pazzi. [ here the post mentioned in the e-mail!]

E 'basically what I had set out to do when I started writing the blog, and although it is past time enough, this email does nothing but load even more in the continuation of the publication of various posts and discussions.

Thanks then to all those who follow me and know who really like to know that someone appreciates and shares some ideas expressed in these virtual pages ...




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