Friday, December 31, 2010

Used Bongard Deck Ovens For Sale

There are now

9h 30m in late 2010 and early 2011.

Looking back, this year many things have happened, some of which I told here on the blog and partly because I left my privacy, alas, all too personal and not too happy.

Speaking of beautiful things, this year I had a lot of satisfaction in the field of study, I met many people worthy of being called friends, I have more close relationships with old friends, I knew that soon will create a new cousin. . in short, the usual things but are always happy to hear and try.

Speaking of things not too happy, it is hoped that this 2011 be a year of peace and serenity and satisfaction.

I leave you with a great video "made by Google" which in part reflects some 'even my good intentions for next year.

Seasons Greetings,


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Big Booty Cartoon Chaters

born a song

dictates of the heart for the weak and afflicted of every color

Happy New Year to all my brother
of sun, wind, fog and rain
good year students,
the workers, cassintegrati.
to all the people from East to West

good year even the capitalists who are more idealistic

twelve months we have good seasons coloring

to organize more than three hundred days to improve
write with love and continue to believe

hope in a year much better

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my readers, to whom I leave a thought, the reader
only to those who pass by here by chance alone.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my friends and also the "enemies")

Friday, December 24, 2010

Best Camcorders Under 400

Happy Holidays Merry Christmas!

Albero di Natale

Here we are, in no time at all, on Christmas Eve.

I take this opportunity to wish all the people reading your blog a warm and joyous Christmas.

Ps: @ Mark: Read my blog ... so secretly You can get some very important food for thought! Con la lingua fuori

@ all the house where I live, in Ancona: good, very good parties ...! hahaha!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fake Abortion Paperwork

Happy New Year My Christmas tree

To I did the Christmas tree is a spruce material
memorial built in the heart
the branches I turned my decorations
the tip is more than just love
hope shines down the center
peace and solidarity
up and down every branch of a star with a name
the name of my dear
those who are close to me
and those who have left me
the name of all my friends
the near and the distant
those who support me and love me
and even those who have made me suffer
and those who may have hurt those I guiltily
forgotten and those that I have not heard
And a tree majestic and beautiful
has no wires and gold lights
and is not covered with snow
has deep roots embedded in the heart

I decided not to put it after the holidays
I'll keep to myself
for next Christmas
and if everyone will still feed them, love the
will make him drink and friendship
breathe hope
who knows ...
... if I can make it live within
to strengthen the branches
to add new names to make it grow healthy and strong
and cling to its trunk
in the inevitable struggles of life.

From what little gifts when
you have.

When you give of yourself
only truly give.
... Kahlil Gibran


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Need For Speed Carbon No Cd


sigh at the sight of anything broken

the lights go down and the tears will freeze

looking for a way out of an altar in the cross

the confessional in a glass of whiskey in a shot of smoke

in closing mental anguish

suspended, dormant, latent
dies your intelligence

Look up and learn life

run into the wind messes up my hair and cry laughing
envy is a force of injury
the courage of shame
an act of pride 'love

anxiety when you leave your destination

is there waiting for you even if you hide behind the horizon
Seek. Be yourself

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sinus Infection Bleeding

Last week of Uni before Christmas ... Oo

We arrived in December, rather, to be precise, the second week of December so that means I did well at university two months. Heck, if the time passed quickly in high school, college practically fly!

This week will be devoted to the deepening of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics in the partial view of the December 13 that will determine officially the end of the school [except for a few hours of recovery that we do, but which have not yet been decided].

addition to physical, however, I would not neglect the other subjects like biology and genetics, of which I'm pretty sure the success of the chemical tests and, alas, has always been my Achilles heel.

The program that I compiled for the study of chemical practice is to make REDOX REDOX up until they are exhausted, then so be safe in view of the part that will probably end of January.

And with this I salute you ...
you soon!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Remove Phlegm From Babies?


dreams Close your eyes and listen to the silence pale

voice of your heart left by the breeze wrap

divine light from the sun by the sea

e. ..
find the beach of dreams Close your eyes and listen to the silence of dreams

those words you've never heard
feel the taste of love kisses
those who do not remember your dream

wearing foul fly high
with the rustle of the wind that caresses
breathing love and your inner life
take flight of the seagull
capture thoughts, emotions in the dream
hope nothing is as it seems The dream
is stronger than the storm
dreams filled with love

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How Long Does It Take Food Allergy

Partial physics

As I mentioned a few days ago, November 20th I made my first part of physics on program mechanics;

Monday, 29 have been published on the internet the results of this part and I must say that I have succeeded in my purpose ... to take the honors! 30 be clear, I was forced this outcome for this part of mechanics in high school because honestly I had developed these arguments in detail ...

Monday, December 13 instead I'll address the second part of physics regarding fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and sincerely This time, the result is that I hope to achieve at least a 27 Whereas this part of the program is, in my opinion a little more chaotic than the last.

Alas, I must reluctantly jump four days on the snow that I had proposed a dear family friend, from 4 to 8 December, to try to "train" well before tackling this part which then determines the start of the Christmas holiday ...

yes, you read right ... my Christmas holiday will begin on December 13 to finish January 10, the day when I will face the written test of Biology .

What about ... spend the Christmas with bacteria, eukaryotes, DNA replication, DNA replication, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, mechanisms of apoptosis, mitosis Meiosis and ... well, a Christmas with all the trimmings! But rest assured, I'm not so much "angry" ... I really like the topic, and then the study will certainly be less heavy than you can imagine!

good evening!