Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Long Does The Effect Of Plan B

The story of the night ...

".. A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so difficult. He did not know how to continue and believed to give up. She was tired of fighting. It seemed that when solving a problem, it appeared another.
His father, a chef, took her to the workplace. It filled three pots with water and placed on the fire. When three pots of boiled water, placed in a few carrots, eggs and placed them in another in 'the last placed ground coffee beans. He let the water boil without saying a word. The daughter impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing father. Twenty minutes later the father put out the fire. He pulled the carrots out and placed them in a dish. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in another pot. Finally, filtered the coffee and put it in a bowl.

Watching her daughter told her: "My dear child, carrot, egg or coffee?" The

he brought and asked her to touch the carrots, she did it and noticed that they were soft, after the churches to take an egg and of breaking it, while pulling off the shell, observed the hard boiled egg.
Once again, the churches that try to drink coffee, smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. Humbly

the daughter asked, "What does this, father? "He explained that the three had faced the same adversity," boiling water ", but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, proud, but after passing through the boiling water had become weak, easy to undo.
The egg had been fragile, its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after being in hot water on its inside became hardened.
Instead, the coffee beans were unique: after being in the boiling water, they had changed the 'water.

"What are you a daughter?" He said. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? "

" Are you a carrot that seems strong but the problems and pain when you touch, you become weak and lose your strength? "

" Are you an egg that starts with a malleable heart good spirit, but after a death, separation, dismissal, an obstacle on the way, it becomes hard and rigid? Outside you see the same, but within six bitter and harsh, with a spirit and a hardened heart? "

" Or are you like a coffee bean? The coffee changes the water, the element that causes him pain. When the water reaches the boiling point, coffee is at its best flavor. "

"If you like the coffee bean, when things get worse, you react in a positive form, without allowing yourself to win, and you do so that things that happen to you improve, that there is always a light, facing adversity , light your way and the people around you ... "

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Denise Milani Black Dresse

A loose cannon on my path - 2 -

Wednesday and I 'seemed to be the victim of some kind joke candid camera when I did the meeting with what we call "loose cannon ".... because' a loose cannon can 'explode when you least expect it. .. but can 'also silenced for years ....

The scene:
A group of people who do not know each other, they begin to talk before the event after ... various clichés, I do not know how, you begin to talk about men and women .... and immediately after betrayal, marriage, double lives ....
The loose cannon and starts talking about her experiences, but then 'escapes the hand and begins to recount the experiences of her friends (or suspected) and one of these friends I "resonates" but I know that there may be so many 'up to the point where the description and' so 'states that ... no, there's no doubt.
The story tells about her, in a sense, also concerns me but she did not even know who is talking to me! Do you know how I was I? ! It's absurd scene?
I could say that the story he was telling was not true, or At least the part that concerned me and instead I said nothing, I've done tell all without flinching and I took note of the famous "open secret". Bah ... probably

and 'a very confused' cause when I think about it again I go up the confusion ... Anyway, I'm sure that'll soon discover 'the truth'.

... but I wonder: how many mines there are wandering around?
But most of all: What was she to me? Open my eyes or put to the test?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kates Playground Nipple Piercings

A loose cannon on my path

Sometimes meetings are truly "enlightening" ....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make An Ornament Of The Alamo

Amethyst and the wonderful world of Merli

Punctually every day, meeting blackbirds in my way, and few dare to approach almost to touch the hand with their beaks, others have found on the roof of the car and every time ... 'a great thrill and a deep gratitude if you move all these battlements for me ... but what the message?

This morning when I go to work by car .... there they are 'on the sidewalk, over the roundabout I'm about to cross, a male and a female (now I've learned to recognize them), the male raised in the air and sets exactly in the middle of the road ... slow down thinking about taking over the flight ... no ... still remains motionless and proud ... I stop to rest and watch it slowly moves ... no ... no ... moves!
I turn off the car, get down and I get close to him, stand on the sidelines for a while, 'and then ...

Why 'do not you come with me in my world?

And it 's so that this story begins ....

A large wrought iron gate with circular hearts: this' entry .... I am struck by those hearts circular wrought iron and the rest of them 'to fix, my eye follows the lines and try to draw them in my mind .....
... suddenly the noise of the city 'disappears and what appears before my eyes and' something extraordinary.
I stop to look at the map that shows and explains the various parts of the park there '
the bridge bonds,
the mountain of the unsaid,
path achievable goals,
highway omnipotence,
the cave of anxiety,
the lake of identity and clarity of the river
let go,
the valley of silence and many other places too ...

I head towards the bridge ties It 's a small bridge in the green wires from which hang all the colors and materials:

simple cotton threads, silk threads
smooth and pleasant to the touch,
threads woven hemp rope, a bit 'rough, rough to the touch but very durable,
wires wool with a few knots,
strands of raffia very delicate and fragile,
broken wires ... "frayed wires, each wire
then, has different lengths, some seem to never end while others are very short .
And I began to ask me questions: "The wires represent the different links that we establish with people? And the wires? and broken wires? and wires with nodes? "

The blackbird replies:
" Hey .... we are not talking! You watch and listen with your heart ... I thought I had understood ...." and turns and keeps on looking at the horizon.

Seeking spoiled by all the questions and the rest of them 'to watch in silence making me caress your body with a light wind. .. and slowly beginning to understand and stop making pointless questions ...
and after a while 'I realize that I can see other threads: the invisible threads.
The wires of the mysteries, I
contact wires silent coincidences significant and start to see the faces ...

Until next time

(image of Isabelle Plante)

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Build A Balsa Bridge

The Mask

On the face innervated by the dark

overflows her every day, steel


Modelled on the face with cold

Refuge elected

from the soul led

To antiquated quarrels

Encased in old twenty hybrids

Keep the good mood

Even in moments of pain

wax lips from

To stop the silence in the winds of lacquer

A shiver hidden behind the mask

A rustle in the eyes bluish rickety

The real thoughts on paper without ink

E 'a moment of panic salty flavor

eyes glistening in the glare ice

reveal the 'identity and grudges emerge

But then she wins and comes back on the faces

In what follows for the scenes of cosmic upheavals

Hides wrinkles

in a thousand bands vague

Without tears

of memories anonymous

smiles on secret thoughts

plays items that cross the skin

being ever, today and yesterday!

Oscar Wilde said: "A mask tells us more than just a face" .

Pennsylvania Airsoft Cqb

surreal dialogue between him and her no choice

Starring: YOU , AND HE

Misunderstandings are so strange

would be better to avoid them always

or risk being right

that reason does not always need

tomorrow but I have to restart

I have another trip

and it will seem like endless

but watch the scenery .......

are far away and I was reminded

Can you imagine talking to people ......

My thoughts fly to you

to get the images

now carved into the consciousness

as indelible emotions

I can not forget +

and thought will look

whenever you feel distant

whenever you would like to speak

to tell yet

you are all alone the thing you

that is important for me ........

I always like to tell

that happens to me

my words get in your hands

new forms colored

deep notes never heard

a sweet music ever +

or the sound of a siren

lost and far

I feel like traveling and I

with the same case in two

always sharing everything

normally .....

My thoughts fly to thee

to reach images

now carved into the consciousness

as indelible emotions

I can not forget +

and the thought will look

whenever you feel distant

whenever you would like to speak

to tell you again

which only you thing

that it matters to me ...

(Tiromancino-for me and 'important-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cheapest Palettes Empty


Black And Beige Bathrooms

The memories of the wires

colored threads are woven in between my toes,
is next to my journey,
are tied together,
weave a tapestry of relationships that increase day after day.

Listening to their stories, gather their words and within my heart.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hack A Pre Paid Sidekick 09 For Internet

Walking through the memories in the garden of the reports Describe your mother

crossed my mind a picture. ... I close my eyes and try to see it better:

... a woman with a straw hat when he walks around the street with a basket contains the seeds. There are flower seeds that last a day, plant seeds very rare and sensitive plant seeds that do not require much care, seeds of fruit trees, seeds of each seed and trees ... 'are different and all mixed together into the basket.

Whenever someone meets him gives one, without saying anything, just smiling ...
open my eyes and I think the meetings that I have every day both professionally and personally ... and fantastic on the seeds that I have given and received so far ...

... I think of the little pink Prince ... .. and how many times I put the seed in the ground and tried to turn it into a tree in a hurry, for curiosity 'to see it ... but then', this tree grew so 'fast and' turned out to be quite strong roots and e 'collapsed at the first puff of wind ....... and this 'what seemed like the seed of an oak tree was actually' the seed of a simple flower: beautiful to behold but also fast to wither.
Other times I buried the seed carefully and nothing but 'never born and I spent some time wondering if it was up from the soil, water or seed itself.
happens, however, 'also seems that sometimes the seed already' if you bring in 'an extraordinary beauty, and then slowly, one drop per day expected to grow and I enjoy the moment by moment' cause I remember before the seeds and that 'the goal but it 's the journey that embraces' true happiness' ...

... unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, there' no recipe for success in cultivating these seeds because everyone 'It is a unique and seeds and "Dead" or are lost to accommodate the seeds already waiting '.

.... and 'so' and that 'MY GARDEN OF REPORTS born, that I care and I look at how to treat a Zen garden ...

A garden that changes with the passage of time, with most areas 'and other more colorful and sunny' in the shade, blooms with different depending on the season ... of the heart.

There are plants that have been present for a long long time and I shelter in times of rain or give me a bit 'of shade when it gets too hot, there are flowers in bright colors that do not last long but filled with joy when the garden flourish, there are small shrubs that are growing, there are "appearances" of rare flowers that pass, there are only a moment and then fade away .... but leave their mark forever in the soil, there are signs that the plants have fallen ill and I had to remove from the ground, there are small shrubs that are pink and blue flowers with a delicate fragrance and light, there are plants that require lots of care and others who resist in time and inclement weather without water and that ... when you least expect it they give you a red flower and can be surprised next year year ...

And I like "wasting time" while walking with you 'cause I think the extra time, because' s what I get from those moments and 'much more' than they "lose".

And now I look at you, you smile
you come near, I give you a pat
special and different for everyone,
you gently towards a little water ............ and then ...........
let the sun and the time to do their job ...
I'll be back from time to time ... Have no doubt

the next walk,


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Make El Pollo Loco Salad Dressing

F. Enter into my room and asked me to leggerge the theme he wrote about his mother ....
The title was: "describe your mom ".....

... and if they asked me to describe my mother? What to write?

Her name is Jade (as much as my name is Amethyst) ...
It 's a simple person, humble, little, energetic, sensitive, empathetic, strong, fragile, helpful and loving state in cleaning the house, ordered .... Unable to hold a grudge, in trouble' in front conflict, a bit 'anxious, loves being in the company, with a mentality of' open and a capacity 'to be amazed as seeing the world through the eyes of a child.

.... and this mom a few days ago, after a long chat he tells me:
"... in any case I will be 'always on your side and do whatever choice I will go' good cause 'if' Did you choose there is a reason 'and I trust you ... so do not worry never to have my approval or not 'cause you've got it already' and do not need it ...... and we hope not too soon to find your house 'cause I like going to see houses with you .. .;-)"

here ... ... also this and 'my mom ;-)