Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hack A Pre Paid Sidekick 09 For Internet

Walking through the memories in the garden of the reports Describe your mother

crossed my mind a picture. ... I close my eyes and try to see it better:

... a woman with a straw hat when he walks around the street with a basket contains the seeds. There are flower seeds that last a day, plant seeds very rare and sensitive plant seeds that do not require much care, seeds of fruit trees, seeds of each seed and trees ... 'are different and all mixed together into the basket.

Whenever someone meets him gives one, without saying anything, just smiling ...
open my eyes and I think the meetings that I have every day both professionally and personally ... and fantastic on the seeds that I have given and received so far ...

... I think of the little pink Prince ... .. and how many times I put the seed in the ground and tried to turn it into a tree in a hurry, for curiosity 'to see it ... but then', this tree grew so 'fast and' turned out to be quite strong roots and e 'collapsed at the first puff of wind ....... and this 'what seemed like the seed of an oak tree was actually' the seed of a simple flower: beautiful to behold but also fast to wither.
Other times I buried the seed carefully and nothing but 'never born and I spent some time wondering if it was up from the soil, water or seed itself.
happens, however, 'also seems that sometimes the seed already' if you bring in 'an extraordinary beauty, and then slowly, one drop per day expected to grow and I enjoy the moment by moment' cause I remember before the seeds and that 'the goal but it 's the journey that embraces' true happiness' ...

... unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, there' no recipe for success in cultivating these seeds because everyone 'It is a unique and seeds and "Dead" or are lost to accommodate the seeds already waiting '.

.... and 'so' and that 'MY GARDEN OF REPORTS born, that I care and I look at how to treat a Zen garden ...

A garden that changes with the passage of time, with most areas 'and other more colorful and sunny' in the shade, blooms with different depending on the season ... of the heart.

There are plants that have been present for a long long time and I shelter in times of rain or give me a bit 'of shade when it gets too hot, there are flowers in bright colors that do not last long but filled with joy when the garden flourish, there are small shrubs that are growing, there are "appearances" of rare flowers that pass, there are only a moment and then fade away .... but leave their mark forever in the soil, there are signs that the plants have fallen ill and I had to remove from the ground, there are small shrubs that are pink and blue flowers with a delicate fragrance and light, there are plants that require lots of care and others who resist in time and inclement weather without water and that ... when you least expect it they give you a red flower and can be surprised next year year ...

And I like "wasting time" while walking with you 'cause I think the extra time, because' s what I get from those moments and 'much more' than they "lose".

And now I look at you, you smile
you come near, I give you a pat
special and different for everyone,
you gently towards a little water ............ and then ...........
let the sun and the time to do their job ...
I'll be back from time to time ... Have no doubt

the next walk,



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