Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Long Does The Effect Of Plan B

The story of the night ...

".. A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so difficult. He did not know how to continue and believed to give up. She was tired of fighting. It seemed that when solving a problem, it appeared another.
His father, a chef, took her to the workplace. It filled three pots with water and placed on the fire. When three pots of boiled water, placed in a few carrots, eggs and placed them in another in 'the last placed ground coffee beans. He let the water boil without saying a word. The daughter impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing father. Twenty minutes later the father put out the fire. He pulled the carrots out and placed them in a dish. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in another pot. Finally, filtered the coffee and put it in a bowl.

Watching her daughter told her: "My dear child, carrot, egg or coffee?" The

he brought and asked her to touch the carrots, she did it and noticed that they were soft, after the churches to take an egg and of breaking it, while pulling off the shell, observed the hard boiled egg.
Once again, the churches that try to drink coffee, smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. Humbly

the daughter asked, "What does this, father? "He explained that the three had faced the same adversity," boiling water ", but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, proud, but after passing through the boiling water had become weak, easy to undo.
The egg had been fragile, its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after being in hot water on its inside became hardened.
Instead, the coffee beans were unique: after being in the boiling water, they had changed the 'water.

"What are you a daughter?" He said. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? "

" Are you a carrot that seems strong but the problems and pain when you touch, you become weak and lose your strength? "

" Are you an egg that starts with a malleable heart good spirit, but after a death, separation, dismissal, an obstacle on the way, it becomes hard and rigid? Outside you see the same, but within six bitter and harsh, with a spirit and a hardened heart? "

" Or are you like a coffee bean? The coffee changes the water, the element that causes him pain. When the water reaches the boiling point, coffee is at its best flavor. "

"If you like the coffee bean, when things get worse, you react in a positive form, without allowing yourself to win, and you do so that things that happen to you improve, that there is always a light, facing adversity , light your way and the people around you ... "


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