Sunday, February 27, 2011

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww Manual


I was a bit' far from this area for a few days ... I missed ... but

Today ', the words struggling to come out, there' the emptiness of mind ... emptiness that precedes the explosion, the emptiness that follows the decisions ... now I've learned to recognize it .... and I can not do until it passes ...
... I prefer to speak but my words do not come close to my state mood.
... tomorrow will be 'better, I know ....

"The Warrior of Light knows the value of perseverance and courage.
Many times during the fight, he gets the shots that did not expect. And he understands that, during the war, the enemy will win 'some battles. When what 'happens, their cries and pain and rest to recover its fiorze. But immediately returns to fight for his dreams,' cause as much 'time it will keep' distance, the greater the probability 'of feeling weak, scared , afraid.
When a rider falls from his horse and goes riding in the space of a minute, will not have 'never again' the courage to mount. "

good night

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Meaning Of Beed Bracelets

I've seen! ...;-)...

In a state in the middle 'between waking and sleep ... here is that I get my future bedroom! The photos and
'just to give you an idea .... a white bed with white text back, no bedside tables, wardrobe white with a central wing mirror and the walls lavender "intense", double curtains at the window reflect the colors of the room.

To tell the truth 'are a bit' surprised of this room ... I did not imagine it like this' ... and yet ...
we'll see ... unfortunately I only saw the room ... the rest of the house yet .... if I could at least see the address would be all over 'quick and easy ...;-)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Take A Shower With A Bracelet

Random page ... Playing with words

How important to know the past of the person with whom you are doing or would like to take a walk together?
There 'are those who say that the past is not' important, there 'are those who say that knowing the past of a person even knew its present and its future, there' are those who say that there are things of their own past and that '... and I better not say what I think? I open the book and read ...
To each his own comment ... ;-)

"Every day we face a particular problem. We must see the past, face the present, plan for the future.
who believes in the old days life was better, 'sometimes blind to reality' of this, people living only for this often has little relation to what precedes or follows it, people living just waiting for a reward of labors in a continuous refusal.
think about the past, present and future, 'a useful concept and technique, but in the end these three elements are balanced and meet in an appropriate manner.
We need to understand how the past there comndiziona, enrich this experience satisfying and spend some 'of our daily energy to building the future. "

Friday, February 18, 2011

Engagemts Saying To A Friend

The beginning of the end starts with the beginning of a kiss and the kiss has not yet ended.
The wheel turns, the roles are reversed and the beginning of the end starts again .... and again on like 'every 365 days ..... a new beginning' cause the beginning never ends. This is' the secret of the end.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jenna Jameson Birthday Card

Yoga Harmony

Arriving for my appointment with a little harmony 'in advance. She hugs me with her smile, without touching me, I feel his energy wrapped dala. He takes a sheet of paper and hands it to me telling me to read before class.

In short handwritten sheet:

"Forgiven and continue on.
Listen to your words when you speak.
Wrap your warmth with the man you love.
You are the light and give off light.
Quiet tranquility ' and peace. "

After class, a long chat with her ... and I listen as I speak and I realize that something 's gonna change anything ... and it' off last week from the center of my chest and now your emotions are more ' free and read, trust and 'increased.
Something 'changed but not' nothing changed .... The environment around me and 'the same, the problems are the same and yet ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Is Paddle Attachment

A quick chat and a thought for my blackbird

Before going to bed, I take a moment to what is now 'became my daily time with this space ... Even today a blackbird

followed me while I was struggling with the search of the house. Stared at me a long time and then, when I crouched, has taken steps toward me until you get very close ... it 's been nice feel in the company and ;-)...' was like to feel protected. Thanks friend


Monday, February 14, 2011

How Much Does Plan B Cost At Heb

50 000 tears - Mine Vaganti

and last night and 'touch to the film "Loose Cannons" ... say that ... it' s always the same, Ozpeteck one of my favorite directors who knows how to depict the reality 'with all the nuances bittersweet that mark without ever missing a laugh even in the midst of a tragedy ...
and how wonderful this song 50 thousand tears this morning I found myself singing in front of the mirror ... how long since I got so '...
buione day

Sunday, February 13, 2011

M Jak Milosc Odc791 Online

single life ... love ;-)

Yesterday I was asked:

"A year ago you were apparently happily engaged, living with your partner, you could enjoy the comforts and frequent holidays, you were free to go out and cultivate your hobbies now you ... a single woman in love, engaged in the search for extra work, live with your parents, you are a victim of severe mood swings, you are often alone and especially on weekends, probably not even this year you'll get the holiday ... .. but you and 'agreed to take the step you did? "

My answer:

"Absolutely. 'I do not deny that what you say is true but' I prefer my sadness today at the apparent happiness' you know well 'cause the feeling on the skin every time a kiss to your wife, who betrays her every time, every time you buy a new dress every time you take a vacation in a stylish and every time ... you look in the mirror .... to each their own happiness' and 'matter of choice, no opinion, everyone is' free to choose the life she wants. Pero 'and' cute ;-) love the single definition "And here's how

and 'round on Sunday to be in love single:
Wake up, rested and" regenerated "I dress myself and go for a walk in the rain hood and Brioche is ... 'cause I want to reward me,' cause after all I am proud of what me and 'I'm facing alone .... already' by ... only because ... 'and just be' heavy, hard work and gets sad, 'cause being in limbo and' difficult, 'cause love and not be able to love fully and' frustrating 'cause looking for a job and' hard .. .. and find a home even more '.
On the way back rent two movies: "Loose Cannons" and "Eat Pray Love" and I already taste 'rest on Sunday.
I write a blog post and ...................... UNEXPECTED! Skip
the power! Try and try again
continues to jump off the thorns, the system switches off, ... nothing, nothing ... all jumps!
I give up, ask for help and after about half an hour ... try get my brother, attacks, stems, remove the bulbs, call the electrician friend by telephone from 'signs ... there' was a short circuit in a power you must understand that ....!!!!
At home there will be about 20 outlets and the light of day will not last 'still very ...
ok go! In the sixth port where there had been a short circuit: the cries of exultation and then immediately after the terror on her face ............ nooooooooooooo THE FRIDGE!
Yeah ', it seems that the refrigerator is the cause of everything ... Yeah', it looks like that will remain 'without a refrigerator for a few days already ... eh'!

I get angry, I get down, me worry? .......... Absolutely not! I laugh, I smile and I think the beauty of having a brother who runs in and help a sister that 'information by phone (and which are not being heard ...). It' s nice to know that even if the path you're walking and 'a path only yours, now and then there's' someone who can 'meet and help run and it' s nice to see that more 'time passes and more', between people you can count on, there 's your family .... not found' by all live in peace 'within their own family and it' s important not take it for granted ...

Now I prepare a nice dinner and then I watch a movie! Good
late Sunday

Swisher Sweets Ontario

The treasure hunt ... .. the ops home!

Here I am ... Friday '11/02/2011 I gave the way to treasure hunt in the city 'where I live now hides an apartment right for me ... I have "only" be able to find and follow the clues ...

But let's step back in time ...
In July 2010, after some haggling and finally I am leaving out of the house virtually anything ... no ... even with a toy car courtesy of the former ;-)... I have no place else if not go to the house where Mom and Dad ', and were welcomed, pampered and cared for but to live with Mom and Dad,' as they are often around for weeks, I understand a bit 'hard at my age' and after 12 years of independence.
And so ', although I have not given the increase in working hours, and despite has a base salary the same .... I venture confidently that the universe can help me ...

In these two days I have seen in all five homes but it was none of my ... only approached a bit '... in the coming days to continue the research!

accepted advice and suggestions, or better yet tell your first house-hunting ...

Good Sunday!

ps if it 's true that the only way out from the well of the doubts, fears and contradictions, and' to put their desire into a balloon then, this desire to believe that a single balloon not enough! ...;-)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sloneczniki W Malarstwie Artystycznym

See the world of emotions globetrotter

.... my head is spinning, my head is spinning from too many thoughts, too many emotions, too many houses I have seen in just two days (tomorrow I will tell you my head is spinning and')... and 'a strange feeling .. Losing
Crystal, find him, still feel that something is not 'fully in line but there is' the will 'get together and go back to being calm ... or maybe just walk towards the path of serenity'. ..

I come back in the months and re-read his messages, look at the history of phone calls and smile ... but how many times he called me !!!??? ;-)... I think back to what makes the difference to start with a good morning and end with a goodnight and a big kiss ... if there 'tune these things can not be there but they feel the same, but when you are' in the fog does not feel it 'you see more' anything, and you cling to a word unspoken, not a telephone call to a message not sent .... so and so 'that we are moving towards the path of misunderstanding and pain where each message is misinterpreted and where I experience a new "energy" of destruction that is and then self-directed drama that borders on the excessive ...

It 's like, the recent separation from my former partner, had inherited the motto: "You make me feel bad if you cut, I want to be loved, I want to be the focus of your thoughts, I need serenity' and if you do not You can give it to me then, and 'no use going forward ... "the horror! Years of yoga, Reiki and much more ...
and then I'm sure a step after another I'll be able' to break free from this spring which is triggered each much and I can not control ... maybe starting to get a bit 'less seriously.

Meanwhile I try to change my thoughts ... there' so much work to do but if cammni with someone you love go more 'away ... even if someone you love can not' always be physically next to you ... for now ;-)

Wikapedia Pokemon Celebi

The five love languages \u200b\u200b

so I copy and paste 'without comment ... this "piece" I just found among old mail while I was trying anything .....

"There are five languages \u200b\u200bof love

1) The words of reassurance, that the words used in times of trouble: they fall between the compliments and also their importance is especially the "how" we communicate why it is important to use a lot of humility that we express in words so that the message that will come forward to the recipient as it is without ambiguity or misunderstanding.

2) The special moments, that is, those moments in which newspapers are ignoring everything else is exclusively dedicated to your loved ones. In these moments it is important to use a language appropriate to various circumstances; special moments communicate love only when it is sensible totally to the other and not when it does it all for duty.

3) The language of receiving gifts, and those who use this language means that he has pleasure in it also. One thing to understand is that not everyone speaks the same language of love and not necessarily within a couple or family all "try" love in the same way, which is why it is important to know what kind of language features your partner, your children or your friends because everyone uses it, adapting it to various situations. Who is reflected in this kind of language, for example, in times of difficulty appreciating the support of loved ones.

4) The acts of service but are evident in each pair and in any interpersonal relationship, especially in the family. Gestures are often put into practice not to love but a sense of duty towards others, or fear. The risk is to create a ratio for which the duty is handled in the right way on one side only and not both as it should be, at the risk of falling in misunderstanding and ended up fighting straining relations.

5) The language of physical contact: the people who use the language they feel loved in these occasions. If for any reason a person does not receive physical contact, it is clear that it can act annoyed and misinterpret this gesture. Who uses this language is a person who, during childhood or has received much affection and try again, or by contrast, has received little and feel the need to receive it in adulthood.

The five languages \u200b\u200bare important because each fills the reservoir of love that each of us has inside and if you do not live there feel unloved. That is why it is important to know the languages \u200b\u200bof love who we love to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and impossible demands that would end only create more problems and difficulties. "

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Awareness Wristbands Meanings


unexpected arrival an email with this link ... Harmony sends me ... that know anything about me and my past choices and who knows nothing about me and Crystal ... and who does not know what I'm reading your book ... but you probably are so 'transparent and that she' failed to understand without I say nothing ...

off balance for the love ... I'll think '... thank you.
Now I sleep, I'm tired and even if there 's just who wishes me good night I think I will sleep tonight' ... there are too many hours of sleep deprived.

ps forgive me if I'm so 'on a subject consuming and repetitive trivial ... but when you are' sure to have found the right person and 'hard to see her go and even if' the only thing possible. .. the only way to manifest the love waiting the right time for him ...
... what a strange life, 8 months ago left much after years of living and suffering there 'was, and also a lot, but it was just another kind ... all need, we also need to recognize the famous "bad love" ... just that I've always felt the love suffering a question I find myself easily solved now reduced to a "rag weeping."
I promise that tomorrow I try to cheer me up!

Memory Foam Spilt Water Help

Forests Losing

The white owl I collect from the ground, take me in his arms and takes me to his friends rebuilders.
Their house has a good smell of incense, and breathe a good energy.
Umilta ', compassion and openness are the characteristics of these strange characters.

I come "entrusted" to Harmony, a teacher of yoga, which will help me 'to rid the body and overcome with grief at this time .... how long' been since I've done yoga ...

Finally someone is taking care of me ... that 's what I think before you close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up soon, and I find myself in the forest of fears: the trees next to me are more and more 'big and threatening and continue to whisper in his ear. Ovuque I turn there are trees with their branches, they want to swallow, and their trunks look of the faces, some others are not known.

whispered the words that come are the focus of all my fears, past present and future.

At one point, a light among the branches, a hand pulls the center of my chest and pierces me, I feel "rip" something, a sharp pain and then ... I wake up ... It was a "DREAM" ...

The feeling of having a hole in the center of the chest there 'yet,
me and the feeling that something' was taken from there 'yet,
the feeling that something really happened there' yet, the
feeling that an angel appeared beside me there 'yet ...
the feeling to be back in tune with something 'great' there 'yet ... but they are "only" sensations of a body tired and sleep deprived by the ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Picutres Of A Dying Plantar Wart

fears .... Well

Getting lost ...
No more 'contacts
No more' smiles,
No more 'looks,
No more' Crystal.

seems absurd and yet it 's so ... by mutual agreement you decide to get lost ... not to get lost.

Despite the evident satisfaction of a decision so 'mature and wise chance' of being lost forever, and 'just around the corner.

Now let the pain of separation take its course and look forward to events with antennas raised more 'than usual ...' cause when you no longer have 'nothing to lose can not be' that start the climb.

But before I declare the first to greet you desire and put it inside a red balloon:

"Amethyst and Crystal can be found one day, shake hands, and start to go a whole and in light of the sun"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Replace Pull Cord Mcculloch

doubts, fears and contradictions

And so ', after playing with the mirrors of Saturn, I find myself plunged into the brook doubts, fears and contradictions.

below and 'dark and the light that is visible and' distant and cold and 'wet and I can not help but cry .... and ask' cause, once again, after a short time, I find myself ; to be so 'evil, to feel this pain that breaks my heart that shakes his legs, breaking .... breath 'cause I can not be happy? I have not already suffered 'enough? I do not deserve a break? 'Cause things are not going your way? Why '? Why '? Why '? ....
because 'every time he tried to revive him and get out of this pit soon after I get sucked in again?
All these ups and downs are killing me, me going out and not take it anymore '... I do not recognize more', I find it hard to laugh, I can not create, can not I use the colors are .... angry, sad, disappointed, I'm afraid ... and then immediately after I recover plays down those, I meditate, I am enlightened by a sudden idea, and I find myself rising energy and get ready for yet another lift from the well ....
; ;

You can not 'go on like this' ... risk running out of energy.

enlists the help of Saturn that readily come up with a bunch of colorful balloons delivered them to me and tells me

"Until 'you will not have clear and declared your wish to continue to attract events ambivalent' cause your desires are in conflict with each other: want / not want, wait / not wait, ask / not ask.
concentrates and tries to figure out what you really want. Formula light your desire, declare to the universe and put it inside a balloon. Continues to sustain, day after day, and the energy. The strength of your desires and actions towards achievement of these will turn into helium that will make you 'fly furo from this pit.
Now go to sleep, you have exhausted your strength .... and you're not polished ... remains attached to your balloon is attached to your goals! "

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Los Hombres De Paco Episodas

Conversations with Saturn game mirrors

I open my eyes and I see Saturn sitting in the bottom of my bed:

" Have you rested? "

" Making dreams a little 'I moved ... tachycardia often when I wake up ... I'm afraid "

" I see it ... and you think 'cause? "

" No ... I know that is' ... perhaps' ... but .. . I do not know ... "

" Let's make a game, I'll show you a mirror and you tell me what you see "

Saturn raises the mirror with a frame and I begin to see purple amethyst
who paints,
working the clay with children,
who writes in his diary,
you fly with the fantasy,
you wonder, who is enthusiastic
practicing yoga,
lighting incense,
that embraces
smiling ..... while I was sad ... and where 'hidden quell'Ametista?

Saturn raises another mirror with a frame and I see Amber Amethyst:
who cares,
that dissipates its energy, which distracts
and that 'waiting for something that does not even know what she is, she feels
the lack of contact,
who feels more alone every day ',
who is afraid of me ... as is the sense of loss ....

Saturn raises a final frame with a silver mirror and I see
Amethyst who paints the walls of his new home, cooking a dinner that puts the flowers on the table ... Amethyst
who works with her children and it 'smiling in a warm room and colorful ... Amethyst
dedicated to the holistic disciplines in a quiet place, bright and warm ...
Amethyst and 'calm but with a few wrinkles in piu'.

Saturn lowers the mirror just as I was to see two hands that meet and cross each other the finger ...

"I have not finished watching, waiting ..."

"You have seen enough. What you should've seen enough."

"But I have not seen Crystal ....!!!"

"Crystal is yet to come .... now take back to sleep, tomorrow we penserai.Tornero 'to see you soon ... if you do you'll find."

Who '?.... and Saturn' a planet, and a man ', and' masculine energy, and 'aid, and' a test to pass, and 'a fellow traveler, and 'fruit of the imagination .... from time to time we meet and chat, the conversations with him are always a bit 'surreal but now more' than ever, I feel very useful.

E 'strong fear of facing a large scale and when you' but only 'equally strong desire to leave. But then, to think of it ... "I know I'm not alone even when I'm alone ... and I laugh and cry and I merge with the sky and the mud ..."