Sunday, February 13, 2011

M Jak Milosc Odc791 Online

single life ... love ;-)

Yesterday I was asked:

"A year ago you were apparently happily engaged, living with your partner, you could enjoy the comforts and frequent holidays, you were free to go out and cultivate your hobbies now you ... a single woman in love, engaged in the search for extra work, live with your parents, you are a victim of severe mood swings, you are often alone and especially on weekends, probably not even this year you'll get the holiday ... .. but you and 'agreed to take the step you did? "

My answer:

"Absolutely. 'I do not deny that what you say is true but' I prefer my sadness today at the apparent happiness' you know well 'cause the feeling on the skin every time a kiss to your wife, who betrays her every time, every time you buy a new dress every time you take a vacation in a stylish and every time ... you look in the mirror .... to each their own happiness' and 'matter of choice, no opinion, everyone is' free to choose the life she wants. Pero 'and' cute ;-) love the single definition "And here's how

and 'round on Sunday to be in love single:
Wake up, rested and" regenerated "I dress myself and go for a walk in the rain hood and Brioche is ... 'cause I want to reward me,' cause after all I am proud of what me and 'I'm facing alone .... already' by ... only because ... 'and just be' heavy, hard work and gets sad, 'cause being in limbo and' difficult, 'cause love and not be able to love fully and' frustrating 'cause looking for a job and' hard .. .. and find a home even more '.
On the way back rent two movies: "Loose Cannons" and "Eat Pray Love" and I already taste 'rest on Sunday.
I write a blog post and ...................... UNEXPECTED! Skip
the power! Try and try again
continues to jump off the thorns, the system switches off, ... nothing, nothing ... all jumps!
I give up, ask for help and after about half an hour ... try get my brother, attacks, stems, remove the bulbs, call the electrician friend by telephone from 'signs ... there' was a short circuit in a power you must understand that ....!!!!
At home there will be about 20 outlets and the light of day will not last 'still very ...
ok go! In the sixth port where there had been a short circuit: the cries of exultation and then immediately after the terror on her face ............ nooooooooooooo THE FRIDGE!
Yeah ', it seems that the refrigerator is the cause of everything ... Yeah', it looks like that will remain 'without a refrigerator for a few days already ... eh'!

I get angry, I get down, me worry? .......... Absolutely not! I laugh, I smile and I think the beauty of having a brother who runs in and help a sister that 'information by phone (and which are not being heard ...). It' s nice to know that even if the path you're walking and 'a path only yours, now and then there's' someone who can 'meet and help run and it' s nice to see that more 'time passes and more', between people you can count on, there 's your family .... not found' by all live in peace 'within their own family and it' s important not take it for granted ...

Now I prepare a nice dinner and then I watch a movie! Good
late Sunday


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