Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wikapedia Pokemon Celebi

The five love languages \u200b\u200b

so I copy and paste 'without comment ... this "piece" I just found among old mail while I was trying anything .....

"There are five languages \u200b\u200bof love

1) The words of reassurance, that the words used in times of trouble: they fall between the compliments and also their importance is especially the "how" we communicate why it is important to use a lot of humility that we express in words so that the message that will come forward to the recipient as it is without ambiguity or misunderstanding.

2) The special moments, that is, those moments in which newspapers are ignoring everything else is exclusively dedicated to your loved ones. In these moments it is important to use a language appropriate to various circumstances; special moments communicate love only when it is sensible totally to the other and not when it does it all for duty.

3) The language of receiving gifts, and those who use this language means that he has pleasure in it also. One thing to understand is that not everyone speaks the same language of love and not necessarily within a couple or family all "try" love in the same way, which is why it is important to know what kind of language features your partner, your children or your friends because everyone uses it, adapting it to various situations. Who is reflected in this kind of language, for example, in times of difficulty appreciating the support of loved ones.

4) The acts of service but are evident in each pair and in any interpersonal relationship, especially in the family. Gestures are often put into practice not to love but a sense of duty towards others, or fear. The risk is to create a ratio for which the duty is handled in the right way on one side only and not both as it should be, at the risk of falling in misunderstanding and ended up fighting straining relations.

5) The language of physical contact: the people who use the language they feel loved in these occasions. If for any reason a person does not receive physical contact, it is clear that it can act annoyed and misinterpret this gesture. Who uses this language is a person who, during childhood or has received much affection and try again, or by contrast, has received little and feel the need to receive it in adulthood.

The five languages \u200b\u200bare important because each fills the reservoir of love that each of us has inside and if you do not live there feel unloved. That is why it is important to know the languages \u200b\u200bof love who we love to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and impossible demands that would end only create more problems and difficulties. "


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