Monday, February 7, 2011

Replace Pull Cord Mcculloch

doubts, fears and contradictions

And so ', after playing with the mirrors of Saturn, I find myself plunged into the brook doubts, fears and contradictions.

below and 'dark and the light that is visible and' distant and cold and 'wet and I can not help but cry .... and ask' cause, once again, after a short time, I find myself ; to be so 'evil, to feel this pain that breaks my heart that shakes his legs, breaking .... breath 'cause I can not be happy? I have not already suffered 'enough? I do not deserve a break? 'Cause things are not going your way? Why '? Why '? Why '? ....
because 'every time he tried to revive him and get out of this pit soon after I get sucked in again?
All these ups and downs are killing me, me going out and not take it anymore '... I do not recognize more', I find it hard to laugh, I can not create, can not I use the colors are .... angry, sad, disappointed, I'm afraid ... and then immediately after I recover plays down those, I meditate, I am enlightened by a sudden idea, and I find myself rising energy and get ready for yet another lift from the well ....
; ;

You can not 'go on like this' ... risk running out of energy.

enlists the help of Saturn that readily come up with a bunch of colorful balloons delivered them to me and tells me

"Until 'you will not have clear and declared your wish to continue to attract events ambivalent' cause your desires are in conflict with each other: want / not want, wait / not wait, ask / not ask.
concentrates and tries to figure out what you really want. Formula light your desire, declare to the universe and put it inside a balloon. Continues to sustain, day after day, and the energy. The strength of your desires and actions towards achievement of these will turn into helium that will make you 'fly furo from this pit.
Now go to sleep, you have exhausted your strength .... and you're not polished ... remains attached to your balloon is attached to your goals! "


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