Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swisher Sweets Ontario

The treasure hunt ... .. the ops home!

Here I am ... Friday '11/02/2011 I gave the way to treasure hunt in the city 'where I live now hides an apartment right for me ... I have "only" be able to find and follow the clues ...

But let's step back in time ...
In July 2010, after some haggling and finally I am leaving out of the house virtually anything ... no ... even with a toy car courtesy of the former ;-)... I have no place else if not go to the house where Mom and Dad ', and were welcomed, pampered and cared for but to live with Mom and Dad,' as they are often around for weeks, I understand a bit 'hard at my age' and after 12 years of independence.
And so ', although I have not given the increase in working hours, and despite has a base salary the same .... I venture confidently that the universe can help me ...

In these two days I have seen in all five homes but it was none of my ... only approached a bit '... in the coming days to continue the research!

accepted advice and suggestions, or better yet tell your first house-hunting ...

Good Sunday!

ps if it 's true that the only way out from the well of the doubts, fears and contradictions, and' to put their desire into a balloon then, this desire to believe that a single balloon not enough! ...;-)


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